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  • Sex Positivity

    Sex positivity values consent, communication, and education that allows people to make informed choices about their bodies and pleasure.

  • A Vaginal Orgasm is Really an Internal Clitoral Orgasm

    The clitoris is modtly subterranean, which means it mostly exists inside the vagina. The circular mass on the outside is connected to the shaft of the internal clitoris, and stimulating that shaft with either a penis or sex toy can greatly increase stimulation.

  • Penis Size Dosent Always Matter

    Though some women perfer a larger penis, most women care moreso "how you work it".

  • The "Orgasm Gap"

    81.6% of women dont orgasm from intercourse alone. Most women need clitoral stimulation. With that being said, most women do not communicate this with their partner and just fake the orgasm.